
My on-board computer has finally calculated that I can drive 474km on a full tank of bio-ethanol. This is only 77% of the distance, that I used to manage of a full tank of petrol.

I knew in advance that this was going to be the case, but now I have figures to back it up.

In other words, I need 30% more litres of bio-ethanol than petrol to travel the same distance.

Since bio-ethanol costs 0.899EUR per litre, a 30% increase means an effective price of 1.16EUR per litre, which compared to around 1.42EUR for super (95 octane) at the moment, is still a good bargain.

It’s just a shame, that I have to fill up so often!

No cheese please – we’re Glocken!

It had all the elements of the Monty Python “cheese shop” sketch – except that in this case, there was too much of the stuff!

My local baker’s has introduced a “Treue-Pass”, a card that you get stamped when you spend 3 Euros on, and this is important, “Backwaren”. With 8 stamps you get a free load of bread.

“Backwaren”, by the way, means “Bakery products”. Wikipedia defines it as “food that has been baked”.

Well, I spent 3 Euros there today, and didn’t get my stamp because… my roll had cheese baked over it. Also, the Käsestange (pretzel dough in an oval form with cheese backed over it) didn’t count – again, because of the cheese.

I asked why, and was told that this was not Backwaren, these were Snacks and did not count.

What does count? Anything else: rolls, bread, pastries – anything except drinks and snacks. And anything baked, but with cheese melted over it, is considered a snack and not Backwaren.

Not wishing to leave it at that, I rang the head office in Frankfurt. Herr Klein informed me, that I should have got my card stamped as all bakery products are included in the offer.

I went back to the bakers but there was no-one serving who had been there this morning.  Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow…

Buß- und Bettag

Buß- und Bettag is a day celebrated in the Evangelical Church. It is a day on which to change one’s direction and to turn to God as the Church year comes to an end and we move towards Advent.

It was previously a national holiday, but this was changed from 1995 onwards to finance the new Pflegeversicherung. It remains a holiday in Saxony.

Many families start their Christmas preparations on this day, for example they bake the first Christmas biscuits.

To hear a simple explanation and a short discussion in German, listen to the podcast:

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