I’ve lost 26km! At least, that is what the on-board computer is now telling me.
OK, here’s what happened: I filled up on Friday with bio-ethanol before I went away for the weekend. With a full tank, the computer calculated that I had 448km remaining, and no longer 474km.
Now, I know this is only a rough estimate and averaged over my usage, but that’s still quite a leap.
Whilst out over the weekend, I think I may have found the answer: whenever I start car, the air-conditioning automatically switches on. I compared the fuel consumption figures and turning off the air-conditioning saves about 2 litres per 100km, so if I don’t turn it off every time I start the car, I am using more fuel than necessary.
I wonder if there is a way to turn it off permanently, at least until I want it on. Or is there a reason to have it on all the time?
On a per unit volume volume basis ethonal releaces less energy when burned than gasoline. (something like 6%-7% less)
Yes, but I have only ever put bio-ethanol on the tank, so both estimates were based on E85-ethanol.