Blogging at the Hessentag

Hat with press card - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / stocksnapperIf you have been reading this blog for the past few weeks, then you will know that a large festival called the Hessentag starts tomorrow in my home town of Oberursel.

This means that for the next 10 days, the streets will be closed to traffic in the town centre and we expect traffic to be queued up on the main roads that lead in and out of the town.

So although I have a permit that allows me to move around parts of the town with my car, I still have to take a large detour to get to others and do not yet know how well I will be able to get anywhere else, meaning that I have restricted my IT consulting appointments to those I can do by foot or by train, or remotely. [Read more…]

Tips for parents visiting the Hessentag

Taunus Informationszentrum (TIZ) - the climbing wallThe town of Oberursel has issued some guidelines and rules for parents who plan to visit the Hessentag with their children.

Some of it is just common sense, but for those planning to visit a concert in particular there are some points worth knowing.

Here is a short summary:

1. Children under 14 will only allowed into the concerts if accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Children under 6 will be refused entry.

2. Young children in particular should be advised that they cannot gather in front of the audience.

3. The concerts can get loud – parents are advised to take ear plugs with them for their children! [Read more…]

Zero-Emissions at the Hessentag with Segways

Oberursel has set itself the target of having a zero-CO2 balance for the Hessentag, which means reducing the emissions as much as possible.  Not an easy task considering the amount of distance that some of the town’s officials will be travelling during the 10 days.

So it makes sense that the Hessentagspaar – the couple representing Oberursel in traditional dress – we be using electric vehicles to get from one appointment to the next.

The Hessentagspaar take delivery of their Segways

The Hessentagspaar (Charmaine Weisenbach & Christian Peter) take delivery of their Segways. Left: Dr.Constantin H. Alsheimer, Chief Executive of Mainover. Right: Hans-Georg Brum, Mayor of Oberursel

The vehicles, called “Segways” have been provided by local energy company Mainova, and the couple took delivery of them this morning before trying them out in front of the Rathaus. [Read more…]

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