Last weekend Oberursel held its Christmas Market or Weihnachtsmarkt. It is a Christmas Market that I generally enjoy going to for a number of reasons. Firstly I can go by train and enjoy a Glühwein, and the prices are also reasonable compared to some of the other markets in the area.
My only complaint is that it is so early in Advent, that for the past few years it usually rained.
Not this year though. With temperatures around 0°C there was snow on the ground and a crisp chill in the air, making the Glühwein much more appropriate. I believe the number of stalls had increased, too. So many, in fact, that the local newspaper had a map in it with them all on. In the town centre there were apparently 121 stalls!. (That’s approximately one stall for every 350 residents).
Saturday evening the market filled up as many people braved the cold night air, occasionally warming themselves up – when not with Glühwein then in the foyer of the Rathaus or around one of the fires at the Marktplatz, where the market took on a medieval theme.

Oberursel Christmas Market
Only the participants of the crib scene in one of the side streets appeared not to be enjoying themselves. But then, that might have had something to do with the temperature as well, although their camel did not seem to be so affected by it.
For more photos, visit our Facebook album.
[…] happens when the ticket machine swallows a note? I was on my way back from the Oberursel Christmas Market a few weeks ago, when I encountered a problem at the U-Bahn […]