Located just outside Putbus on the road to Lauterbach, the “Haus Kopfüber” is certainly something that you can’t miss. The house is big, red, and literally upside down.

You enter the roof through the “top” and then make your way through the rooms towards the “basement”, which is of course at the top.
Each room has been fitted out with furniture and other items, but whilst gravity keeps you firmly on the ceiling, everything else is securely fitted to the floor above you.
And since photography is not only allowed but encouraged, children can effortlessly pose for a photo with their arms stretched out, giving the impression on the photo that they are in fact performing a handstand on the washbasin or the sofa.
At the time of writing the Haus Kopfüber is open all year round, except for Christmas and New Year. Entry costs €5,90 for adults, €2,90 for one child and €2,00 for additional children. It also has its own car park which it shares with an indoor playgound, making it an ideal place to visit on a rainy day.
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