Störtebeker’s Falconer

There is a moment during the Störtebeker Festspiele that always amazes the audience, when “Laran” the eagle flows low over their heads and lands on Störtebeker’s arm.  They gasp and those directly under the flight path can feel the rush of air has he silently glides over them.

Stiwi, the bird playing Laran, and his trainer Volker Walter, have been taking part in the play for the past 20 years and travel each year in May from their home in Bavaria to Rügen for the summer season, along with a host of other birds that he trains with his wife.

Last year I was lucky enough to be invited to visit them and see their birds of prey first hand.

The Adlershow at the Störtebeker Theatre in Ralswiek [Read more…]

The eagle’s eye view of Rügen from Binz

A new attraction outside Binz on Rügen is hoping to attract visitors and bring them closer to nature during their stay on the island. Outside the town a new nature trail has been built, which features not just an elevated section through the trees but also two towers. The higher of the two goes up as far as 82m above sea level, is shaped like an eagle’s nest and offers spectacular views across the island.

The nature walk in Binz seen from the base

The nature walk seen from the base

The first tower, however, starts at ground level and takes you up into the trees. From there, an elevated section takes you through the woods to the second tower. On the way there are a number of things to do, all of them optional. There are some alternative routes that contain see-saw type arrangements or wobbly boards to make the walk for children more interesting. And there are sensory tasks, such as listening to bird calls through what look like gramophone horns. [Read more…]

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