A Karnevalssitzung is the name given to an event that takes place during the Karneval season, usually in the evening.
It takes place in a large hall and is organised by a Karnevalsverein. Although this could be anytime between 11th November and Shrove Tuesday, it is more likely to be in the last week of the season.
During the evening there are performances by dance troups, Büttenredner – a sort of comedian who comments on current, often poltical, events, and a lot of singing. The guests sit at long tables to eat and drink.
Chairing the event are the Elferrat. The word Elf, refers not only to the number eleven – the carnival number, but also to an abbreviation of the motto of the French Revolution: Egalité, Liberté, Fraternité.
To hear a simple explanation and a short discussion in German, listen to the podcast:
(Press the “play” button to listen to the podcast)