The carnival in Oberursel

It was lovely weather last Sunday for the annual carnival procession in Oberursel. I was there with my camera and my article made today’s front page in the Oberurseler Woche.

Click here to read it (in German)

Click here to see more photos on Facebook

Beste Laune bei Kaiserwetter zum Umzug

Rathaussturm in Oberursel 2025

Last Saturday, the “KinderPrinzenPaar” Matthäus I. and Jolina I., led the way from Oberursel’s market square to the town hall, where a battle of words and canons ensued with Oberursel’s Mayor Antje Runge.

In the end, the children were victorious and claimed the key to the town hall, which they will keep until Ash Wednesday.

Here are some of the highlights:

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Effects of a national election on the carnival season

There are national elections (Bundestagswahl) taking place on 23rd February this year, which just happens to be in the middle of the carnival season.

This means that some of the events have had to be rescheduled to avoid colliding with the election, otherwise rooms and halls would not be available.

I talked to the organising committee (Narrenrat) in Oberursel about it for the Oberurseler Woche. Click here to read my article (in German).

Rathaussturm wegen Bundestagswahl vorgezogen

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