Wo kann man in London günstig übernachten?

Da gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, nicht nur die kostenlose Parkbank 😉

Als erstes wäre wohl Travelodge zu erwähnen, das ist eine Hotelkette die ein dichtes Netz an Hotels hat. Egal wo man ist, man findet sicherlich in der Nähe ein Travelodge Hotel. Hier findet man meistens ein Schnäppchen und nach meiner Erfahrung sind die Zimmer einfach, aber praktisch ausgestattet und sehr sauber. Allerdings, wenn man in einer großen Stadt unterwegs ist muss man auf die Preise achten, sie können teilweise etwas höher sein. Vergleichen ist daher wichtig! Und, ein Markenzeichen von Travelodge ist, dass oft kein Frühstück angeboten wird. Pubs und Cafés sind jedoch meist in der Nähe. Im Zimmer stehen, aber ein Wasserkocher und Tee zur Verfügung.

Große Familien oder Gruppen und vor allem Pfadfinder werden eventuell bei Meininger glücklich. Es ist eine etwas gehobenere Pfadfinderherberge in London Hyde Park und befindet sich im historischen Baden-Powell-House. Durch die Tatsache, dass es Schlafsäle sind mit mehreren Betten, kann man oft noch etwas günstiger übernachten als in einem Hotel.

Wer lieber in ein Sternehotel und für London trotzdem recht günstig bleiben möchte hat noch eine andere Auswahl die wir empfehlen können.  Zum Beispiel:

Alle drei Hotels sind zentral gelegen.  Hier gilt es auch die Preise zu vergleichen und auf Angebote zu achten.

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Finding somewhere to stay on Lanzarote

When I first visited Lanzarote I was lucky enough to not have to find my own accommodation, all I needed to do was to book my own flights – something I did on-line.

But what do you do if you have never been to the island before? One solution is, of course, to book a package deal. This may be fine for your first visit, but eventually you may want to take more control of your holiday and pick flights and accommodation more suited to you.

Whilst many sites (eg. Openjet) can help you find cheap flights, their choice of accommodation can be very limited when it comes to such small islands.

Help, however, is at hand: I’ve discovered a site called Hotels Combined – which searches for the best hotel deals in a number of different booking systems. In fact, you don’t book with them at all – they just help you find the hotel that suits you and forward you to the relevant system to book it.

I did a search with them today for a week on Lanzarote in July – and they found 303 offers for me! Many of them were located in Teguise or Arrecife, but I also discovered some more remote places such as the Atlantic Gardens Hotel, located between near Yaiza in a place called Degollada. It may not be near the beach, but the pictures looked very enticing and it had rooms available for 24EUR per night! With all those offers to browse through, most prices and tastes are catered for.

Of course, staying somewhere else may mean that you need to look for new places to visit during the day or eat out at in the evening. As well as reading the reviews on this site, you could download a free copy of the Lanzarote Guidebook and start planning right away!

Stopping over in Frankfurt

Frankfurt is a central hub for many European flights, and I am often asked about things to do or places to stay for short “stop-over” visits.

The trouble with short visits of only a few hours is that you have to get from the airport to Frankfurt itself, and then back again in time to check-in for your flight. Although there is a good train connection between the airport and the city centre (a line called the “S8”) you need to allow plenty of time for delays finding your check-in desk and gate. The airport may not be as big as in some European cities (eg. Heathrow or Barajas), but it is complex enough still the same. If you are flying from Terminal 2, you will need to get off the train and onto the monorail to change terminals.

But if you do have a few hours to spare, then you can always buy a one-day rail ticket and travel around Frankfurt by train to see the sights. If you are visiting at the weekend, you might even like to take a ride on the Ebbelwoi Express – a tram that runs around Frankfurt serving traditional local snacks and drinks. The ride takes about an hour and goes through most of the older parts of the city.

Of course, if you have a bit more time to spare then you might like to sample the nightlife of the big city and stay in a hotel for the night. Generally speaking, hotels in Frankfurt should be booked in advance as they tend to fill up quickly if anything is on in the city such as trade fairs or concerts. The best way of finding a good hotel at a reasonable price is often to ask for recommendations. But if you don’t know anyone to ask, then you need a good online resource to give you some alternatives.

I have booked hotels online in the past, only to find out that people I met later with local knowledge had better options for me that were not available in the booking system.

So I was interested to find a site called Hotels Combined, where in Frankfurt alone they have over 300 hotels in their system! I had a look at what was available at short notice for the coming weekend, and found offers starting at around 30EUR per night, which sounds very good value for money.

The fact is, that Hotels Combined are not actually booking your hotel room – they are searching through different booking systems to find you the best offer. Once you have selected a hotel and price, they forward you to the relevant system so that you can book your room. But wait! Before you do that you can read reviews that other users have put in the system after their say. For example, you might be interested to find our where you can free WLAN access, or how far the hotel is from the main train station.

What is also interesting about the site, is that it covers some of the smaller towns outside of Frankfurt. I am a big fan of staying outside of the city centre in places such as Bad Homburg and Königstein, the latter of which I visited myself recently.

I word of warning if you are travelling on budget airlines, though. Frankfurt is not the same as Frankfurt-Hahn – that is over 100km away! But don’t worry, even around Hahn there are lots of things to do and places to see (such as trip on the Rhine). And there are hotels there as well…

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