DSL is an abbreviation for Digital Subscriber Line.  People use it to refer to high-speed internet (broadband) over a normal phone line.

DSL became available for consumers at around the turn of the century, but has only really taken off since about 2003.

Users require at least a DSL modem that supports the PPPoE protocol, but most users today use a router which allows more than one computer to connect to the internet at the same time.

DSL line speeds vary according to location, even within the same town.  But all speeds, when they are available, are much faster than the previous modem technology.

Many companies that offer DSL contracts require their customers to sign up for a minimum of two years, although some, such as Alice, offer shorter terms and may therefore be more interesting to people coming to Germany for only a limited period of time.

To hear a simple explanation and a short discussion in German, listen to the podcast:

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Web tracking and privacy

About 14 years ago I had e-mail contact with Tim Berners-Lee – the man who had just created a thing called the World-Wide-Web. I was a student, and he was an internet pioneer. At the time, we both used the same type of PDA!

Today there is an interview with him on BBC News with a Q&A, on topics not unlike I get asked about myself.

So what’s my view on internet privacy?

Well, living in Germany we have fairly strict laws on such things. You can’t just have your e-mail address added to a mailing list – you have to give permission and it’s up to the owner of the list to prove that you gave it. Cold calling private households is illegal as well.

Over the years I’ve become a defender of such rights. I blog about unwanted e-mails and telephone calls and often try to follow how my personal data has got from one system to another.

And yet I am just as fascinated when sites such as Amazon recommend me items based on previous purchases, much in the same way I recommend products to my own customers.

Except of course, my recommendations are based on my knowledge of peoples’ requirements – Amazon does it automatically based on the data that they have saved about me.

There are many systems on the internet that are free to use for personal use, provided you accept their advertising, such as my favourite virus scanner.

But what would happen if my provider allowed me a discount for being allowed to process the web sites that I visited – or worse, made me pay a surcharge for not doing it?

In the case of a discount, I would have to think long and hard about it. I would certainly try to avoid any surcharge.

But being in Germany I hope that, like so many other things, such systems will have to be “opt-in” so that I won’t suddenly find myself viewing advertisements based on where I surfed to yesterday.

Sometimes having such strict privacy laws can be useful.

The Mediterranean cable break

I can still clearly remember the days when calling Australia from the UK meant avoiding peak times to try to get a free line, and then the delay in the conversation because the copper wires only relayed the speech at a particular speed. You had to wait for the reply from the other end, much like talking on a CB radio.

With the increase in the number of phone calls being sent by satellite, the number of lines increased and the delay disappeared. These days I even use Skype to call far-flung parts of the World.

But wait a moment, Skype is internet-based- does that go by satellite too?

Probably not. The internet communications around the World are relayed from one country to another, with undersea cables playing an important part.

So having an undersea cable go wrong can be a disaster (see this article). It’s amazing to think that so much is still relies on these cables – or in this case how much relies on a single one. The technology has advanced so much in recent years – the cables may now carry fibre-optics and not copper and they are better protected against the salt water, but at the end of the day they are still being laid in the same way around the globe and are still susceptible to the same problems.

I wonder how much disused cable is down there?

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