Advising on climate topics

Oberursel has had a “Klimabeirat” since December 2022. It is an advisory committee, that has no actual power to decide anything, only to recommend measures to the town councillors.

I spoke to their chairman Peter Cornel last week:

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What does the “Erster Stadtrat” do?

In Hessen the “Erster Stadtrat” is who the town council elects to run the town administration in a full time position as deputy to the Mayor.

To find out what the job involves, I spoke to the outgoing incumbent in Oberursel, Christof Fink, a few weeks before he left office:

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Oberursel’s Twinning Committee

Last night in “Orschel2nite” I spoke to Joachim Netz and Birgit Röher from the “Verein zur Förderung der Oberurseler Städtepartnerschaften” about the charity, the twin towns, and their jubilee year:

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