It’s always sad when large companies have to lay off their workers. When I read about factories being closed and workers being laid off, this is often down to mis-managmenet or financial considerations (eg. Nokia in Bochum).
In the case of PIN, it is an entirely different case. The PIN group is a competitor to Deutsche Post, but the playing field is anything but level. PIN has to charge VAT (MwSt) on its services, Deutsche Post does not. Then they have to pay a minimum wage for the postal industry, but did not have a say in setting it in the first place.
I think starting up an alternative postal service was a courageous step, and it’s a shame to see it go download because of red tape and the recent decisions of the German government.
Although I will miss one thing: the PIN employee who used to ring our doorbell at 8am on a Saturday morning in order to deliver post to one of our neighbours!