Red Cross celebrated anniversary in rain

The Red Cross in Oberursel celebrated their 125th anniversary with an open day. However most of the day was spent undercover due to the rain. I was there for the Oberurseler Woche, click here to read my article (in German).

DRK feiert sein Jubiläum im Regen

I also recorded a short video before the rain started:

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Minister Axel Wintermeyer at the Landesausstellung

On Sunday I was invited to accompany Staatsminister (Minister of State) Axel Wintermeyer around the Landesausstellung (County Show) at the Hessentag as part of the press pack. Minister Wintermeyer is head of the State Chancellery.

Ironically, I was one of the few to take advantage of the invitation, the irony of the situation being that it was his department that refused my press accreditation only a few days beforehand!

Minister Wintermeyer with his staff in Hall 1 at the Hessentag in Oberursel

Minister Wintermeyer with his staff and a Hessen mug in Hall 1

The Minister started his tour at his own department’s stand in Hall 1, where visitors were being offered a mug with the Hessian coat of arms on it in return for a donation of at least €2.  The funds raised are due to be donated to the Oberurseler Werkstätten (workshops for the disabled). [Read more…]


Hausnotruf is a system offered my organisations such as the German Red Cross (DRK).

People who do not want to move into an old people’s home, but still want the peace of mind of being able call for help in an emergency use the system.  The have a red button on a necklace that they can press in an emergency, which contacts a base station which in turn dials an emergency call centre.  They then send out someone who has a key to the flat or house to help.

Some systems also offer a an option, whereby the user has to press a button on the base station eg. every 24 hours.  If they do not, they receive a call or help is sent out.  This can be useful if they are not able to press their button.

For more details on the Red Cross system, visit

To hear a simple explanation and a short discussion in German, listen to the podcast:

(Press the “play” button to listen to the podcast)

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