Of all the translations that I have seen on Lanzarote that have gone wrong, this one has to be the worst. I think the original says “a typical dish from southern India with a helping of lamb in onion and black pepper sauce”.

What it actually says, in German, is not really translatable back into English, but it comes out something like this: “a typical plate from the southern bit of the Indian (person) with assistance from the lamb in a sauce from onions and black pepper”.
This looks like a typical computer translation – word for word ignoring the context of the text. So why do restaurants get away with this so much on Lanzarote? Do the tourist not care as long as it’s comprehensible? Do the restaurants not want to spend money on proper translations? If you have any ideas on this subject, please leave a comment!
Hier kommt ein besonderes “Schmankerl” einer Übersetzung…
Die schlimmste Übersetzung die ich auf Lanzarote erlebt habe war im Indischen Restaurant “Lanis”. Deutsch ist ja meine Muttersprache, aber diese deutsche Übersetzung der Speisekarte habe ich nicht verstanden. Ein Beispiel ist “typisc…