Anyone arriving in Oberursel registering at the town hall will from today receive a copy of the new edition of the “Bürgerbroschüre”.
The brochure contains information about the town itself such as its history, facts and figures, and basic information on the town’s administration. But it also contains details of local shops and businesses, tourist attractions, clubs, school, churches and doctors. Even a list of playgrounds. In fact, probably most of the information that anyone moving to the town is likely to need in their first weeks or months here.
There is even a street map with a list of emergency phone numbers inside the back cover.

Nadine Becker from Ruschke+Partner with Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and the new Bürgerbroschüre
The brochure has been produced in co-operation with local agency Ruschke+Partner, who also produce the town magazine (Stadtmagazin), and 10,000 copies have been printed on 100% recycled paper. All of the information has been brought up-to-date and many of the photos have been replaced as well. With much of the information coming from the town hall itself and the photographers allowing their photos to be used for free, costs have been kept to a minimum. In fact, the cost of printing the brochure has been covered entirely by the advertisers.
But in this modern age, of course, not everyone wants their information in printed form, and so the brochure is also available on the town’s website, either to browse on-line or to download as a PDF file. The PDF version contains links to many of the advertisers and the links in the articles are clickable as well. Since the brochure is intended to last for 3 years, the town will either need to keep the PDF up-to-date, or make sure that they do not change their website so much in that time that the links go dead – the latter being prefarable to keep the printed version valid as well.
Although the brochure is intended for new residents, anyone already living in the town can pick up a copy in the town hall foyer or in the tourist information office at the Vortaunusmuseum.
Now, how about a version in English?
Thank You for bringing this to the attention. In terms of an English version I will try to convince the city for doing that…….basically we would need a version in English, Russian, Italian and Türkish to fullfill the idea of a bridge based on the language spoken by the 14 Percent + of foreigners in Oberursel