Archives for February 2013

Dorothea Lorey – 90th Birthday

Happy Birthday - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / flamingoladyCongratulations to Frau Dorothea Lorey of Oberursel who is 90 years old today.

Carnival Procession 2013: Blasorchester TV 1891 Stierstadt e.V.

Blasorchester TV 1891 Stierstadt e.V. in the Henchenstrasse

Blasorchester TV 1891 Stierstadt e.V. in the Henchenstrasse

Carnival Procession 2013: Kleintierzuchtverein Stierstadt e.V.

Kleintierzuchtverein Stierstadt e.V. - Party-Piloten haben Spaß und geben heute richtig Gas

Kleintierzuchtverein Stierstadt e.V. – Party-Piloten haben Spaß und geben heute richtig Gas

Carnival Procession 2013: Freunde der Narretei Stierstadt

Freunde der Narretei Stierstadt - In Orschel ist ein neuer Trend, wir feiern Fasching wie im Orient

Freunde der Narretei Stierstadt – In Orschel ist ein neuer Trend, wir feiern Fasching wie im Orient

Carnival Procession 2013: VIP-Klub Bommersheim

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Carnival Procession 2013: Orscheler Kerbeborsche

(Click to enlarge)

Early morning accident in the Altkönigstraße

In the early hours of Sunday morning (17th February, 2013), a 20-year-old man was driving his Renault car along the Altkönigstraße when he came into contact with two cars that had been properly parked and damaged them.

He continued on his journey without dealing with the situation and police believe that he was under the influence of alcohol at this time.  They were able to identify the car shortly afterwards and find out how was driving it.

They then found the driver at home in his flat and took him to the police station for a blood alcohol test.  His driving license was confiscated.  The damage to the cars is estimated at €5,200 but no-one was hurt.

Carnival Procession 2013: Freunde der Orscheler Fassenacht

Freunde der Orscheler Fassenacht - Heute ist nicht alle Tage - wir kommen wieder - keine Frage

Freunde der Orscheler Fassenacht – Heute ist nicht alle Tage – wir kommen wieder – keine Frage

Freunde der Orscheler Fassenacht - Sing Hallelujah

Freunde der Orscheler Fassenacht – Sing Hallelujah

Carnival Procession 2013: KC “The Ravens” e.V.

KC The Ravens e.V. - Garde

KC The Ravens e.V. – Garde

Tuesday night cinema at Bluebox Portstraße

Cinema Reel - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / AnatolyMTuesday night is film night at Bluebox Portstraße, located near the U-Bahn stop “Altstadt”.

As the organisation is not a commercial cinema, they are not allowed to advertise which film will be shown in advance. For Tuesday, 19th February, 2013, we are told that it will be a “historic drama”. If you do want to know which film will be shown then call 06171 636930 and they will tell you.

The showing starts at 9pm.

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