Blood Donation Relay reached Oberursel

Saturday, 12th October, 2013 saw the blood donation relay organised by the Red Cross blood donation service in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg reach Oberursel.

The relay is taking part to celebrate 150 years of the Red Cross and 60 years of the blood donation service in Hessen, and as such is visiting 210 locations in 184 days.

In Oberursel it was Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, himself a blood donor, who took over the relay baton from the service’s representative Christine Winkler.  He thanks all of the volunteers in the local Red Cross association for their work, in particular during the Hessentag and other events in the town such as the Fountain Festival (Brunnenfest).

“I am glad that we have an ambulance service in Oberursel”, he said.

The blood donation relay baton being handed over in Oberursel

The blood donation relay baton being handed over in Oberursel. Back row (left to right): Margarete Boll, Christel Kappus, Christine Winkler, Hans-Georg Brum, Heike Wick, Gerda Onorato, Sigrid Rieschel. Front row: Michaela Tappenden (left) and Christine Schöck (right).

He also commented on the state of the Red Cross building in the Marxstraße: “I know, that it’s not so good”, he said, but promised that talks were already taking place with the association’s committee to improve the situation.

The blood donation service visits Oberursel on the second Saturday of each month at the Red Cross centre in the Marxstraße between 1.30pm and 6pm.  There are also two appointments each year in Weißkirchen.  Sign up to our newsletter to receive advance notice of them.


About Graham Tappenden

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Oberursel in 1993 and returned with his family to live there in 2003. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche he works as a self-employed IT consultant solving computer problems and designing websites. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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