A new water fountain supplying free drinking water to shoppers in Oberursel was officially inaugurated in the pedestrian precinct on Saturday, 24th March, 2018.
The fountain, located in the Kumeliusstraße, is connected to the town’s mains water supply and provides 300ml of drinking water when the button is pressed. The steel column is 115cm high and cost just over €4.000.
Unveiling the fountain were Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and the managing directory of the public works “Stadtwerke” Jürgen Funke, along with town treasurer Thorsten Schorr and Alderman Christof Fink.
The fountain will be in operation from March until October each year and even cleans its own pipes every half hours. Samples will be taken once a month to check the water quality. It is considered to be the first public drinking water fountain in the town.
The Stadtwerke were giving away re-usable cups to passers by on the first day of operation. In future, users will need to bring their own.
Unveiling the drinking fountain in the Kumeliusstrasse on Saturday, 24th March, 2018
From left to right: Christof Fink, Hans-Georg Brum, Thorsten Schorr, and Jürgen Funke