Good bye infection rates – Hello hospital admissions

New rules came into force in Hessen on Thursday (16th September) that no longer depend on the local Corona infection rate. Instead, the number of hospital admissions per 100,000 population will be the main figure used, with the number of people with COVID-19 in intensive care as a secondary factor.

Restaurants no longer need to collect patrons’ data, and to eat outside the only requirement is social distancing. Eating inside will require both customers and staff to wear face masks until seated, and customers must be either vaccinated, recovered or tested.

However restaurants, hair dressers, and providers of some other services now have the choice to opt for “2G” rules, Geimpft (vaccinated) and Genesen (recovered). By doing this, they remove the need for face masks and social distancing. Children under 12 are exempt from this rule, but will need to be tested if they are aged 6 or over and have started school. School children have been issued with test booklets, that show they have been tested at or for school twice a week, and this document is sufficient if presented with proof of identity.

Medical face masks remain a requirement on public transport and in shops, although shops can now open without restrictions on the numbers of customers that are allowed inside.

There are two new warning levels that could come into force later. Level 1 applies if the number of hopsital admissions goes over 8 per 100,000 or if more than 200 patients with COVID-19 are in intensive care. Level 2 applies for 15 admissions per 100,000 or over 400 intensive care patients.


About Graham Tappenden

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Oberursel in 1993 and returned with his family to live there in 2003. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche he works as a self-employed IT consultant solving computer problems and designing websites. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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