If the members of the Ausländerbeirat thought they were in for a short meeting when they met on Monday, 23rd September, 2013, then they had to think again. Lasting almost two hours, the meeting was the longest that I personally had experienced to date.
Part of the reason for this was certainly down to the questions from the public, two of which led to extensive discussions.
One question that did not was about a new playground in the town next to a building where – according to one of the town councillors who happened to be present – a lot of foreigners live. The opening times for the playground only list work days, but not Sunday. So is it closed on a Sunday or just open all day?
Not that the Ausländerbeirat could really be expected to give an answer to this, but maybe they could have passed the question on instead of referring the councillor to the social and culture sub-committee of which, ironically, he is himself a member. [Read more…]