Alfred-Delp-Fountain finally inaugurated

It was two years later than planned, but on Saturday, 11th June, 2022, Fountain Queen Verena I. was finally able to officially inaugurate her fountain at the Alfred-Delp-Haus in Oberursel.

The fountain, which is in the middle of the complex, has step-free access, allowing the residents with mobility problems a chance to cool off in the summer or just sit on one of the stones and enjoy the sunshine.

Brunnenkönigin Verena I. and Brunnenmeister Andreas inaugurate the Alfred-Delp-Fountain in Oberursel on Saturday, 11th June, 2022.

Designed by architects Axel and Maria Werner-Niemetz, the fountain was actually installed in 2014 when the courtyard was being refurbished. It is destined to become a unique fountain in Oberursel in another way as well: the plaque on the stone shows the current year, 2022, even though the accompanying badges and porcelain shows 2020, the year Verena started her tenure as Fountain Queen.

St.Crutzen Fountain inaugurated

This morning, Saturday, 26th May, 2018, the St.Crutzen-Brunnen in Weißkirchen, located in a courtyard next to the church, was inaugurated by Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I. and her Brunnenmeister Herbert, who were accompanied by a number of their predecessors.

The fountain was originally inaugurated on 30th May 1999, but only now has it been dedicated to one of the Fountain Queens. The large sphere represents the Universe.

Anna-Lena I. inaugurating the St.Crutzen Fountain in Weisskirchen on Saturday, 26th May, 2018

Previous Fountain Queens with their Brunnenmeisters at the St.Crutzen Fountain on Saturday, 26th May, 2018.

The St.Crutzen-Fountain at the Inauguration on Saturday, 26th May, 2018

New water fountain in Oberursel’s town centre

A new water fountain supplying free drinking water to shoppers in Oberursel was officially inaugurated in the pedestrian precinct on Saturday, 24th March, 2018.

The fountain, located in the Kumeliusstraße, is connected to the town’s mains water supply and provides 300ml of drinking water when the button is pressed.  The steel column is 115cm high and cost just over €4.000.

Unveiling the fountain were Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and the managing directory of the public works “Stadtwerke” Jürgen Funke, along with town treasurer Thorsten Schorr and Alderman Christof Fink.

[Read more…]

Accident in Schulstrasse damaged water pipe

Police in Oberursel were called to the Schulstraße at 23:17 on Tuesday, 16th January, 2018 after reports of a “fountain” following a road traffic accident.

Apparently a vehicle hit a temporary pipe on the pavement that was carrying water to a nearby building site.  The driver left the scene of the accident without dealing with the damage, which is estimated to be at around several hundred Euros.

Witnesses reported the pipe had been broken, leaving water spurting several metres up into the air.  This was still the case when police arrived.

They were unable to stop the flow, and called for someone from the local waterworks (Stadtwerke) to attend, who subsequently turned off the water to the whole street.

Anyone with information as to who caused the accident is asked to call police in Oberursel on 06171 62400.

Jürgen Ponto Fountain

During the 1970s the Red Army Faction, also known as the RAF, assassinated and kidnapped a number of important figures in West Germany.  They also set of a number of bombs at major buildings and U.S. bases.

On 30th July, 1977, they attempted to kidnap Jürgen Ponto, the chairman of the Dresdner Bank board of directors.  The attempt when wrong and instead he was shot in his own home in Oberursel.

The fountain between the Rathaus and the Stadthalle is dedicated to him.  The designer, Claus Bury, wanted to depict how he was torn away from his family, leaving a gap in their lives.  Hence the steps which have been carved out of the main piece of stone and placed some distance away. [Read more…]

The Feldbergbrunnen

Saturday (14th June, 2014) saw the dedication of the new Feldberg Fountain (“Feldbergbrunnen”) take place in the grounds of the Hohe Mark clinic.

The ceremony saw the fountain queen, Carolyn II., pour a small amount of cider over the fountain.

Carolyn II. and Harry at the dedication ceremony for the fountain

Carolyn II. pouring a small amount of cider into the fountain at the ceremony

The fountain is made from a piece of Taunus Quartzite that came from a quarry in Mammolshain, part of Königstein.  Not only was the stone cut in half to make the fountain, but 50cm of it is actually below ground.


Brunnenfest 2012

The Bleiche in Oberursels old townThis weekend sees the annual Brunnenfest (Fountain festival) in Oberursel return after missing a year due to the Hessentag.

The festival runs from Friday 1st June until Monday 4th June 2012.

There will be music on stage at the Markplatz from Friday evening onwards and throughout most of the weekend, with a funfair atmosphere at the Bleiche and lots of stands selling food and drink inbetween the Bleiche and the Vorstadt.

An area for children called the Kindermeile will be open on Saturday afternoon from 3pm, and a yellow duck race on the Ursulbach on Sunday afternoon.

The festival closes at 10.30pm on Monday evening with a firework display.

St. Ursula Fountain at the market square (by night)

St. Ursula Fountain at the market square in Oberursel during a full moon

The St. Ursula fountain at the market square in Oberursel.

The photo was taken at night during a full moon.

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