The members of the district parliaments in Hochtaunuskreis, Main-Kinzig-Kreis and Main-Taunus-Kreis who represent the „Freie Wähler“ (Independent voters) in those districts have agreed to work closer together.
They met in Oberursel on 27th February, 2013, to discuss which topics affect all of them in similar ways. These included their district budgets, health care and broadband.
The contributions to culture funds in Hochtaunuskreis were discussed, as was the problem of the communities near to Frankfurt who have to shoulder the burden of local infrastructure for commuters without receiving any of the corporate tax that the companies pay to the city.
On the subject of broadband coverage, they want the local districts to be more pro-active so that companies and freelancers do not leave remote areas because of their poor internet connection.
The group plans to meet regularly in future.

Members of the local district councils: Jürgen Heim (Langenselbold), Renzo Sechi (Friedrichsdorf), Ivaloo Schölzel (Kelkheim), Hellwig Herber (Grävenwiesbach), Karl-Heinz Spengler (Hattersheim), Bernd Fuchs (Eppstein), Heinz Breitenbach (Linsengericht), Marcus Kinkel (Schmitten), Dr. Christoph Müllerleile (Oberursel), Hartmut Haibach (Weilrod) and Herbert Bien (Jossgrund). Photo supplied by Freie Wähler Hochtaunuskreis