Where is Kusadasi?

An information evening for young people entitled “Where is Kusadasi?” is being held at Café Portstraße on Wednesday, 18th June, 2014 at 4pm.

Kasadasi is a town in Turkey which has friendly relations with Oberursel.  Savas Kötkas will be talking about the town, the country and the culture.

There will also be a chance to try some Turkish specialities.

Photos of Oberursel’s Christmas Market

(Click to enlarge)

13th Rheingau Wine Festival opened

The 13th Rheingau Wine Festival was official opened on Friday evening (2nd August, 2013) by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum accompanied by the Fountain Queen Annabel I.

With them were local visiting “royalty” Sabine Wagner, the Rheingau Wine Queen and Louisa Follrich, the Hattenheim Wine Queen.

Also visiting the festival on Friday evening were the Mayor an other visitors from the twin town of Rushmoor, along with visitors from Kusadasi in Turkey. [Read more…]

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