Pia I. is the new Fountain Queen

The new Fountain Queen was crowned in the Stadthalle in Oberursel on Saturday, 23rd March, 2019.

The evening started with a look back at the year 2009, in which Isabelle I. was the Fountain Queen, and together with her Brunnenmeister Uwe she talked about her experiences 10 year ago. [Read more…]

Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I.

Anna-Lena Stenz was crowned Anna-Lena I. at a ceremony in the Stadthalle in Oberursel on Saturday, 14th April, 2018, when she took over the crown and sceptre from her predecessor, Ann-Kathrin I., making her Oberursel’s 40th fountain queen.

At her side is her father, Herbert, as the Brunnenmeister.  Both belong to the carnival club Club Geselligkeit Humor Weißkirchen 1952 e.V.

The fact that they come from Weißkirchen is particularly fitting, as this part of the town is celebrating their 1200th anniversary this year.  Their club is also 66 years old, a significant number in the carnival world where everything is counted in elevens.

Anna-Lena is 28 years old and has lived in the town since she was two years old.  She took her A-Levels at Oberursel’s Grammar School and went on to study German and Religion at University in Frankfurt.  She now works at the Hochtaunusschule in Oberursel.

In 2001 she was the town’s children’s princess during the carnival season, and spend her childhood dancing in the various carnival dance troupes.

Anna Lena I. is revealed to the audience
Anna Lena I. is revealed to the audience

Anna-Lena I. with Herbert, Ann-Kathrin I. and other ex-Queens and visiting dignitaries
Anna-Lena I. with Herbert, Ann-Kathrin I. and other ex-Queens and visiting dignitaries

Thomas Poppitz told the story of Fountain Festivals at the beginning of the 1990s
Thomas Poppitz told the story of Fountain Festivals at the beginning of the 1990s

Cheerleaders on the stage in the Stadthalle after the crowning ceremony
Cheerleaders on the stage in the Stadthalle after the crowning ceremony

Thieves in the Stadthalle changing rooms

Two Russian dancers were targeted by thieves in the Stadthalle in Oberursel on Thursday, 4th January, 2018. At some time between 6pm and 10.30pm, while they were dancing, the thieves entered the changing rooms and stole cash from both dancers as well as a jacket. The total value of the items is put at several hundred Euros.
Police in Oberursel would like to hear from witnesses or anyone with information on 06171 62400.

New stalls behind the Stadthalle

The new car park at the Urselbach behind the Stadthalle is hosting a small selection of stalls at the Christmas Market for the first time this year.

The new car park at the Urselbach behind the Stadthalle is hosting a small selection of stalls at the Christmas Market for the first time this year.

Stadthalle car park closed

The car park under the Stadthalle in Oberursel will be closed from Monday, 8th August until Friday, 26th August, 2016 to short-stay users to allow for repairs to take place to the floor and the heating on the exit ramp.


School Musical in the Stadthalle

Pupils from year 6 of the IGS school in Stierstadt will be staging their music “Kommisar Schimpanski” in the Stadthalle on Thursday, 15th May at 10am and Friday, 16th May, 2014 at 7pm.

Tickets costs €10 for adults and €5 for children aged 6 and over.

IGS Stierstadt musical flyer - Fotos und Layout: Ralf Brocke


Oberursel’s No-Win Financial Situation

It can’t be easy being in charge of Oberursel’s finances.  After two rounds of spending cuts and tax increases, the town’s budget could budget could be in the black to the tune of around €4.5 million after a sudden windfall of corporate income tax (Gewerbesteuer) and further cuts in the culture department.

That is, it would be if the next higher level of government – the Kreis – had not increased the amount that the town has to pay for their services, including the school, by almost  €11 million for the coming year, leaving with the town with a deficit in 2014 of just over €6 million.

So once again the town called a meeting of its residents to discuss the next round of savings, holding it this year in the Burgwiesenhalle in Bommersheim.  The hall may not have been full – around 160 people turned up – but there were a significant number of children and teenagers present to protest against the planned cuts in funding for the “Jugendtreffs” in Weißkirchen and Stierstadt. [Read more…]

Accident in the Stadthalle car park

Police in Oberursel are looking for the driver of BMW 1 series that may have caused damage to another car in the underground car park of the Stadthalle on Thursday, 2nd May, 2013 between 2.45pm and 3.30pm.

A Mercedes parked on level one was damaged on the left-hand side, and police believe this was caused by another car parking or leaving the space next to it.  They say that the driver left the scene of the accident, but on searching the car park they found the BMW parked on level two and believe it was involved in the accident.  They are now trying to trace the owner.

Concert in aid of the Ehrenmal

The Ehrenmal at the end of July 2012A concert to help raise funds to complete the restoration of the “Ehrenmal” war memorial is being held on Friday, 10th May, 2013 at 8pm in the Stadthalle.

Entitled “4 Hände auf 88 Tasten” (4 hands on 88 keys), pianists Barbara Schmidt and Marcus Schwarz will be performing works from Anton Bruckner, Franz Schubert, Claude Debussy, Francis Poulenc and Samuel Barber.

Entry to the concert is free, but those attending are asked to make a donation to the restoration project.

Donations can also be made by bank transfer to account number 70 300 70 (“Ursella-Stiftung, Ehrenmal”) at the Taunus Sparkasse, sort code 512 500 00.


Discuss the future of the station area

There will be a chance to discuss the future of the station area, the “Bahnhofsareal”, with other citizens of Oberursel on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2013 at 7pm in the Stadthalle where a “Bürgerversammlung” is being held.

The area concerned stretches from the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” to the end of the Nassauer Straße which may later join up with the “Weingärtenumgehung”.

During the evening the town’s administration will be informing the people of Oberursel about the current concept for the flow of traffic in the area and giving them a chance to put forward their own opinions about it.

For background information, read the article on this website “The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel”.  There is also an on-line discussion forum (in German) on BrunnenTreff.

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