Discuss the future of the station area

There will be a chance to discuss the future of the station area, the “Bahnhofsareal”, with other citizens of Oberursel on Wednesday, 4th December, 2013 at 7pm in the town hall (Rathaus) where a “Bürgerdialog” is being held.

The area concerned stretches from the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” to the end of the Nassauer Straße which may later join up with the “Weingärtenumgehung”.

During the evening the town’s administration will be informing the people of Oberursel about the current concept for the flow of traffic in the area and giving them a chance to put forward their own opinions about it.

For background information, read the article on this website “The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel”.  There is also an on-line discussion forum (in German) on BrunnenTreff.

From the town council: Swimming, Sewage, the Station, and the Saga of the Bärenkreuzung

The last meeting of the town council in Oberursel was a long, drawn out affair, which even prompted Mayor Hans-Georg Brum to refer to part of the debate as a “Gebetsmühle” – literally a “prayer wheel”, ie. a discussion that was taking a long time and going round in circles.

It was also the point in the council year for treasurer Thorsten Schorr to make his annual budget speech, the debate on which was deferred to a later date after the Bürgerversammlung about the proposed savings.

Part of that budget may have played a role in the OBG asking what the pre-requisites are for town employees taking on committee roles in charities such as the Förderverein Taunabad during their work time and whether this was not something that the town was doing voluntarily and hence should possibly be reduced or stopped altogether under the budget constraints. [Read more…]

TaunusDisco for over 40s at Tanzschule Pritzer

Oberursel Station at night with the Taunus Disco going on insideA disco for over 40s is being held under the name of “TaunusDisco” in the dance school “Tanzschule Pritzer” in the old station building on Saturday, 9th November, 2013.

The music will be a mixture of current music such as “funk” and “soul”, and also some lesser-known pieces such as World Music, all mixed by DJ Param.

Entry is from 9pm and costs 8 Euro.

Useful links

Taunus Disco – Dancing in the station for the over 40s

TaunusDisco for over 40s at Tanzschule Pritzer

Oberursel Station at night with the Taunus Disco going on insideA disco for over 40s is being held under the name of “TaunusDisco” in the dance school “Tanzschule Pritzer” in the old station building on Saturday, 12th October, 2013.

The music will be a mixture of current music such as “funk” and “soul”, and also some lesser-known pieces such as World Music, all mixed by DJ Param.

Entry is from 9pm and costs 8 Euro.

Useful links

Taunus Disco – Dancing in the station for the over 40s

Oberursel has the “Station of the Year”

Oberursel’s station has been awarded the title “Station of the Year” by the organisation “Allianz pro Schiene”, a collection of 20 non-profit organisations that have come together to promote environmentally friendly and safe railway travel.

The station, with the recently restored listed building, won in the category for towns with a population of less than 100,000.

On Monday, 23rd September, 2013 the certificate and brass plaque were officially handed over during a ceremony at the station, in which members of the jury explained why the station had won. [Read more…]

TaunusDisco for over 40s at Tanzschule Pritzer

Oberursel Station at night with the Taunus Disco going on insideA disco for over 40s is being held under the name of “TaunusDisco” in the dance school “Tanzschule Pritzer” in the old station building on Saturday, 21st September, 2013.

The music will be a mixture of current music such as “funk” and “soul”, and also some lesser-known pieces such as World Music, all mixed by DJ Param.

Entry is from 9pm and costs 8 Euro.

Useful links

Taunus Disco – Dancing in the station for the over 40s

TaunusDisco for over 40s at Tanzschule Pritzer

Oberursel Station at night with the Taunus Disco going on insideA disco for over 40s is being held under the name of “TaunusDisco” in the dance school “Tanzschule Pritzer” in the old station building on Saturday, 17th August, 2013.

The music will be a mixture of current music such as “funk” and “soul”, and also some lesser-known pieces such as World Music, all mixed by DJ Param.

Entry is from 9pm and costs 8 Euro.

Useful links

Taunus Disco – Dancing in the station for the over 40s

DPSG Oberursel raised money for flooded building in 72 hours

“We are heaven sent” was the motto of the German catholic youth movement (BDKJ) last weekend, among them the Scouts of the DPSG Oberursel from the St.Hedwig and St.Sebastian communities.

At 17:07 on Thursday evening they assembled with their leaders on the Feldberg to be handed their task.  For the Scouts, it was “organise a party for Sunday afternoon next to Oberursel’s station”.

They began planning straight away.  After returning to their room in the old vicarage on the Borkenberg the group became to work out what they needed to organise and what the flyers for the party should look like.  After all, they only had 72 hours to complete thhe task.

On Friday they started visiting local businesses to ask for donations for the party.  They received support from a number of bakers and shops selling soft drinks – not all of them in Oberursel. [Read more…]

TaunusDisco for over 40s at Tanzschule Pritzer

Oberursel Station at night with the Taunus Disco going on insideA disco for over 40s is being held under the name of “TaunusDisco” in the dance school “Tanzschule Pritzer” in the old station building on Saturday, 15th June, 2013.

The music will be a mixture of current music such as “funk” and “soul”, and also some lesser-known pieces such as World Music, all mixed by DJ Param.

Entry is from 9pm and costs 8 Euro.

Useful links

Taunus Disco – Dancing in the station for the over 40s

The second Bahnhofsfest – and the less than grand opening

This time last year Oberursel was celebrating the grand re-opening of the station building after the restoration work had been completed.

So when I heard that the Bahnhofsfest (“station festival”) was being held again this year – albeit at short notice – I was looking forward to it.  All of a sudden, everywhere I looked there were flyers and posters advertising it, and details were published in the local newspapers.

Whilst I was certainly looking forward to seeing Roy Hammer & Die Pralinées play in the evening, from a news point of view the highlight could well have been the opening of the new Ärztehaus opposite the station – a building containing a number of doctors’ surgeries, a chemist and a bank.

Except that when I went to the opening at 11am, I, along with other members of the press and the public were politely told that the opening was by invitation only, and myself and two other photographers were definitely not on the list of people being allowed in.

Eventually we found out that a public opening was taking place on the stage at the station at 11.30am. [Read more…]

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