In celebration of Universal Children’s Day (Weltkindertag) the town’s children’s office (Kinderbüro) has joined forces with the culture and sport supports’ club and the Lions club to create the a night of culture for Children at locations around the market square in Oberursel on Friday, 21st September, 2012.
The evening beings at 6pm at the market (Marktplatz) with the official opening by the clown-duo “Spunk”. After that there are Zumba sessions, fire-breathing workshops, a children’s musical and a balloon release, with face painting, badge making and stilt walking going on as well.
At the town’s library, next to the market square, where the film “Der rote Ballon” (The Red Balloon) will be shown and there will creative things to do.
The primary school “Grundschule Mitte” will be holding a “black light disco” and in the courtyard of the Vortaunusmuseum a story teller will be taking children into the fantastic world of the Arabian Nights. [Read more…]