25 Years (and more) serving the Town and the Fire Service

When Holger Himmelhuber passed one of his friends washing a fire engine at the Bleiche, it was an encounter that would go on to change his life.  Not only did he join the “Oberursel-Mitte” fire brigade on that same day in 1976, but 5 years later he played a role in creating the “Jugendfeuerwehr” (youth fire brigade) and shortly afterwards became responsible for maintaining the equipment as well.

Some years later, in 1988, he took on the role of “Wehrführer”, putting in him charge of the town centre’s fire brigade, located in the Marxstraße.  It was at this point that he because an “Ehrenbeamter”, which roughly translates as being a voluntary civil servant.

That was 25 years ago, and to celebrate a number of members of the fire brigade, along with his family, gathered at the town hall for a presentation made by the town’s treasurer Thorsten Schorr. [Read more…]

What is going to happen to the temporary classrooms in the Marxstraße?

If you drive along the Marxstraße in Oberursel you can’t help noticing the empty classrooms at one end of the road next to the Red Cross building and just before the entrance to Rolls Royce.

These „temporary“ classrooms have now been there for just over 25 years, and have over the course of those years been home to classes from Frankfurt International School (FIS), the primary school in Oberstedten, the primary school in Bommersheim and the grammar school (Gymnasium).

But now they stand empty and at the town council meeting last week the CDU party put forward no less than two motions on what to do with them, which led into another two motions on after-school child-care places.

The first suggestion was to have the buildings checked out to see if they can offer additional after-school places until others become available. This needed very little discussion, as, apparently, there is a tradition for all parties to support motions to “check” things, so-called “Prüfanträge”. [Read more…]

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