Easter is called Ostern in German. The Easter Week starts on Palm Sunday as is known as the Karwoche. Its climax starts on Maundy Thursday, known as Gründonnerstag and is followed by Karfreitag, Karsamstag, Ostersonntag and Ostermontag. Traditionally people either go to Church on Saturday evening to a service called the Osterfeuer or on Sunday morning. Also on Sunday … [Read more...]
Gründonnerstag is the German name for Maundy Thursday. It is the day before Karfreitag. On this day, people go to Church to be freed of their sins in order to make a “clean” start for Easter, thus leading to one explanation of the name: the idea is that “green wood” is said to be fresh. Another reason for the name may be that it is the end of the fasting season, and … [Read more...]