Die Auferstehung is the German word for the Resurrection – the event in the New Testament that is celebrated at Easter. The term refers to the resurrection of Jesus three days after he was crucified and is the central theme in the Christian faith. Indeed, it is quoted in the Glaubensbekenntnis (statement of faith) in Catholic Church services. One of the relevant … [Read more...]
An Osterei is an Easter Egg, and can refer to different types of eggs. There are boiled eggs that have been coloured, blown-out egg-shells that have been decorated, and chocolate eggs that often have fillings inside them. As in many countries, the eggs represent the spring and fertility, and is a tradition that goes back to the 13th Century, even though the term “Osterei” … [Read more...]
Osterhase is the name given in Germany to the Easter Bunny. The tradition, which dates back to the 17th Century, says that the Osterhase decorates eggs at Easter and hides them in people’s gardens, although the practise became more common in the 20th Century. Children go out into the garden on Easter Sunday and look for the eggs. … [Read more...]
Easter is called Ostern in German. The Easter Week starts on Palm Sunday as is known as the Karwoche. Its climax starts on Maundy Thursday, known as Gründonnerstag and is followed by Karfreitag, Karsamstag, Ostersonntag and Ostermontag. Traditionally people either go to Church on Saturday evening to a service called the Osterfeuer or on Sunday morning. Also on Sunday … [Read more...]
An Osterfeuer is a bonfire that is lit on the evening of Easter Saturday, usually in connection with a Church service. Different parts of Germany associate the fire with different traditions. In Bavaria it is also called the Judasfeuer and a straw figure, similar to a guy, is burnt upon the fire representing Judas Iscariot. In Westfalia it is said to banish the … [Read more...]